

Induction of Mayuge District Service Commission

Officials from the Ministry of Local Government have today commenced the two-days' induction of Mayuge District Service Commission at the District Headquarters. The team is comprised of the Assistant Commissioner for District Administration, Mr. Tugabiirwe Emmanuel and Mr. Asendu Patrick, Principal Secretary in the Department of District Administration. The chairperson of Mayuge District Service Commission is Mr. Nampala Samuel Wilson, a retired headteacher.

Farewell party of retired and transferred officers

farewell party

The leadership of Mayuge District Local Government organised a farewell party and appreciated the retired and transferred officers. This was held on Friday 12th July 2024 at Sea Ville Resort hotel. The retired officers  included Mr.Taganhye  Fred(District Health Educator),Mr.Waiswa Benon(Principal Commercial Officer),Mr.Kisita James(Chief Finance Officer).Those that transfered Service include Mr.Magumba Eria(Chief Administrative Officer Sembabule),Mr.Bamwesige Paul(Head Internal Auidt,Namutumba).

Mayuge outgoing CAO (standing left) hands over office to new CAO

Mayuge District outgoing CAO, Mr. Magumba Eria (standing left) handed over office to new CAO, Mr. Eswilu Donath on Friday 12th Jan 2024

Mayuge District outgoing Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Mr. Magumba Eria on Friday 12th January, 2024 handed over office to the new CAO, Mr. Eswilu Donath from Omoro District Local Government where he spent 6 months. The ceremony was held at the District Headquarters in the boardroom.

While handing over office, Mr. Magumba welcomed the new CAO and thanked the political and technical staff who welcomed him in Mayuge since 10th October 2022 when he reported.

stakeholder’s meeting on revenue mobilization

A stakeholder’s meeting on revenue mobilization as well dissemination of information on the digital collection and management of revenue tool(IRAS), has just taken place this afternoon 31st August 2023 in the District Council hall.
The Integrated Revenue Administration System (IRAS) is a web and mobile based Revenue Management System which was initiated by the local Government Finance Commission (LGFC) and funded by the GoU in partnership with the World Bank.

Community Summit for Mpungwe programme Area

A community Summit for Mpungwe program area was held today 3rd August 2023 at Mpungwe sub county headquarters to get an in-depth understanding of the overall context of Mpungwe sub county, especially on child wellbeing, existing vulnerabilities, socio-economic and environmental factors that helped to inform prioritization and selection of technical projects that will be implemented to address identified issues.

Norwegian Embassy conducts its first joint Donor field visit

Group photo with District Leadership at council hall

Following the project launch of EYE Universal SRHR project in Mayuge District in April ,targeting young people to ensure that those furthest behind have access to integrated SRHR information and services, the Norwegian Embassy conducted its first project joint donor field visit yesterday 5th July, 2023 to obtain insights on the extent of the project acceptance by the district and implementation status.
