UDHA is an NGO established in 2003, with the need to empower, promote and strengthen key health and development interventions among communities.
A society in which people are fully empowered to manage their health and development needs.
To engage a multi-sectoral and professional approach with strong community participation and ownership for the enhancement of health, rights, and development.
Coverage; Mayuge, Bugweri, Namayingo,Budaka,Butaleja, Butebo, Kibuku, Bugiri, Busia, Tororo, Pallisa , Kamuli, Buyende, Jinja, Luuka, Kaliro, Iganga and Namutumba, Buvuma districts.
- Advocacy
- Maternal,neonatal,and child health programme
- youth development programme
- HIV/TB and family planning services
- Health system strengthening
- Research programme
- Mama and family project - promoting Health Births, ANC, Male Involvement Mayuge district & supported by SOGH and Mercy for Mamas
- Nutrition project in Luuka district
- Covid 19 response project -SOGH
- Menstrual Dignity Projects supporting menstrual Hygiene in Luuka, Mayuge & Iganga district.
- Youth Resource Centre for Out of School youths in Iganga Municipality, Luuka District.
- Uganda Reproductive Health voucher project –mariestopes Uganda
- Rhites E project that strengthen community-facility and facility-community linkages in Kibuku and Tororo districts.
- Options Plan Project- Covid 19 assessment project in Kaliro
- HIV/TB Project NFM3 by TASO
Achievements of NFM2; Oct 2018 to Dec 2020
•HIV, GBV, SRH, Stigma and Discrimination messaging
•Personal life skills development
• Social asset building
• Linkage to care and following the HIV + girls
•Vocational skilling
• Second chance education (Artisans training)
•Enterprise development Assistance
•District Entry Meeting
•Buy-in meetings
•Awareness Meetings & Community dialogues.
•Tournaments and Events (Goal Campaign and MDD)
•Fisher Folk activities (HCT, CHAGS)
•Roll out Thematic campaigns
•Vocational Skilling
•Second chance Education (Artisan trainings)
•Empowerment club meetings
•GBV, stigma and discrimination (CAs)
•783 AGYW empowered with Vocational skills and given SSP
•100 AGYW empowered with skills in shoe making and given SSP
•85 AGYW empowered with hand crocheting skills and given SSP
•192 AGYW empowered with soft skills in liquid soap making, jelly making, shampoo making, book binding and reusable sanitary towels
•107 AGYW supported with EDA
•All AGYW were equipped with HIV prevention package
Background of the project
- Uganda has had a generalized HIV epidemic for three decades.
- A no. of interventions have been done to control the epidemic, HIV prevalence among Uganda’s fishing communities is estimated to be three times higher than the general population.
- Out of the 83,000 new HIV infections every year, majority of which are among young people especially girls
- 570 of these acquire HIV every week and one in every four new infections among women aged 15-49 occurs during the age 15-24 (UNAIDS 2014).
- In Uganda, the teenage pregnancy rate is 24% with regional variations.
- This increases to 34% in the poorest households. In rural areas, 24% of girls experience early pregnancy compared to 16% of wealthier households and 21% of urban girls (UNICEF, 2015).
- The practice of early marriage is still prevalent in Uganda and is highly associated with lower female access to secondary education
Background cont’n: Teenage Pregnancy
- The reason for early marriages is rooted in the traditional and social norms, poverty, bias against girl child education among others.
- According to UNICEF, approximately 35% of girls drop out of school because of early marriage and 23% do so because of early pregnancy (UNICEF, 2015)
- Teenage pregnancy upsurges when girls are denied the right to make decisions about their sexual health and well-being.
- Extreme poverty, harassment and threats of sexual violence often avert girls from attending school and causing them to be increasingly vulnerable to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
- All above increases AGYW vulnerability
Number of TB Patients- Mayuge district
Region | Name of Facility | Level of facility | District | Projected no. TB Patients for 12 quarters |
Busoga | Baitambogwe HCIII | III | Mayuge | 126 |
Busoga | Buluba Hospital | Hospital | Mayuge | 198 |
Busoga | Buwaiswa HCIII | III | Mayuge | 36 |
Busoga | Kigangalo HCIV | IV | Mayuge | 186 |
Busoga | Kityerera HCIV | IV | Mayuge | 222 |
Busoga | Magamaga Baracks HCIII | III | Mayuge | 12 |
Busoga | Wabulungu HCIII | III | Mayuge | 102 |
Busoga | Malongo HCIII | III | Mayuge | 204 |
Busoga | Mayuge HCIV | IV | Mayuge | 42 |
TASO Fund involvement
- Uganda was awarded two grants in NFM3, implemented by two PRs namely – MoFPED and The AIDS Support Organization(TASO) which are principal recipients of funds and accountable on behalf of the Government of Uganda.
- TASO funds support country specific disease National strategic plans, HIV/TB and Malaria
- Despite the fact that TASO through UDHA has supported AGYWs through different interventions with an aim of reducing new HIV infections through HCT, linkage and adherence to treatment by 2030, there is need to scale up interventions in new sub counties with in districts of operation.
- UDHA was awarded a grant (UGA -C- TASO -1872) under the new funding model (NFM3) from TASO to support the implementation of Uganda’s response to HIV/AIDS in Most At Risk Populations (MARPs).
- This project will run for 33 months; 2021-2023.
This current project evolved from the previous TASO fund grants (NFM1, NFM2), where the major challenges to address were communities being underserved with HIV services, poverty and poor health seeking behaviour among MARPs (AGYWs)
To contribute Zero new HIV infections, Zero HIV and AIDS-related morbidity and mortality and Zero discriminations
- To increase demand and utilization of SRH/HIV/TB and malaria services among adolescents and youths in and out of school in Mayuge, Bugweri, Namayingo,Budaka,Butaleja, Butebo, Kibuku, Bugiri, Busia, Tororo, Pallisa , Kamuli, Buyende, Jinja, Luuka, Kaliro, Iganga and Namutumba, Buvuma districts by 2023.
- To empower at least 11360 adolescent girls and young women with life skills, Vocational to start up self-help ventures in Busia, Iganga, Mayuge, Jinja, Buyende, Kaliro , Tororo and Buvuma districts by 2023.
Work through already existing local Government structures ( District led approach)
Collaboration with Community Based Organisations (CBOs), key stakeholders and Community gatekeepers to identify SRH opportunities.
Peer led approach for Social economic empowerment.
Promotion of Youth friendly support services.
Package for the Beneficiaries
- Strengthen and promote TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
- HIV, GBV, SRH, Stigma and Discrimination messaging
- CBO capacity building
- Personal life skills development
- Social asset building
- Link to care and following the HIV + girls
- Enterprise Development Assistance (EDA) for economic empowerment
- Vocational skilling
- Second chance education (Artisans training)