

Benchmarking on micro scale irrigation system

Yesterday a team of officers from production department set voyage for Tororo district on a benchmarking exercise on micro scale irrigation system. While in Tororo, the team visited Geno Family Farm in iyolwa sub county,where a solar powered irrigation system has been set up. This farm sits on 300 acres of land and is doing crop growing, piggery and animal fattening (Beef).It was revealed to us that even though the farm is surrounded by a river, it’s not reliable especially in dry season so a 70ft well was dug to ensure constant supply of water which costed the farmer around 3.5m .

Celebrating the Black Slavery Month

The ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities restored the historic monument  of slavery called fort Thruston in Bukaleba, Bukatube sub county last year in May 2021. The US embassy in Uganda supported the restoration of the dilapidated monument through the USD Ambassadors fund for cultural preservation.

The fort has been restored for tourism and education in the Busoga region. This site has a rich history on slavery, sleeping sickness epidemic and Luba chiefdom in Busoga.

Oxfam stand up project inception meeting

An Stand-Up project inception meeting with OXFAM on going here at Pearl on the Nile hotel-Jinja. Stand-Up is a project supported by global affairs Canada with the ultimate goal of increasing enjoyment of sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) by most marginalized and vulnerable right-holders, particularly adolescent young girls and women. The project will address key gender inequalities and human rights issues including traditional practices and taboos regarding gender and sexuality.

Improving Pupils welfare

The district monitoring team today visited Buyemba primary school in Wairasa sub county to assess classroom reality in rural government aided primary schools in the district as well as factors that hinder teachers’ and pupils capabilities. Issues unveiled included general poverty levels as parents ain’t able to feed their children while in school and the commuting distance between home and school is quite a hindrance .

Ending violence against children

Violence against children (VAC) is a global public health concern and a violation of children's rights. VAC is a major risk factor for serious negative health and social outcomes. In Uganda, violence against children is highly prevalent . 

There was a district leadership capacity strengthening workshop today to stop violence against children by Makerere university child health development center and ministry of health at continental hotel-Iganga. During the workshop, activities that are to be undertaken by the leaders potentially identified.

Project closure by Worldvision

Worldvision Uganda with support from KOICA and in partnership with Worldvision Korea is implementing a health project in the district termed”Mayuge Neglected Tropical Diseases Elimination Project “(MANE) from the year 2019-2021.
The goal of the project is to eliminate Bilharzia and soil transmitted Helminthes (STH) in Mayuge District.
The project is contributing towards elimination of schistosomiasis and soil transmitted helminths through integrated approach i.e Behavior change communication (BCC) and WASH, preventative chemotherapy and change management (MDA).

Demonstration garden at the District Headquarters

This is the current state of the district demonstration garden. This demonstration garden was set up and managed with funds from the agricultural Extension Grant (AEG). It is on 0.87 acres and having some of the district key priority agricultural enterprises of bananas, coffee, cocoa, passion fruits, cassava and Hass avocado. It should however be noted that similar demonstrations are to be set up at Imanyiro and Buwaaya sub counties where there is adequate government land. This will be done starting this December.

District Demonstration garden

This is the current state of the district demonstration garden. This demonstration garden was set up and managed with funds from the agricultural Extension Grant (AEG). It is on 0.87 acres and having some of the district key priority agricultural enterprises of bananas, coffee, cocoa, passion fruits, cassava and Hass avocado. It should however be noted that similar demonstrations are to be set up at Imanyiro and Buwaaya sub counties where there is adequate government land. This will be done starting this December.

District entry meeting by USAID’s local partner health services East central (LPHS EC)

Effective October 1st 2021, the USAID regional integration to Enhance services in East and Central Uganda transitioned the HIV and TB program elements to the USAID local partner health services East central Uganda project. This five year project (October 2021- September 2026)aims to work through District led programming to support the public health sector to increase the availability, accessibility and utilization of quality HIV and TB services in East central region.
