

Prevention and Response to violence against children

An inception meeting on strengthening the health sector systems and workforce in the prevention and Response to violence against children by the ministry of health in collaboration with Makerere university child health development center took place today in the district board room. This pilot project will be implemented in the districts of Mayuge and Amuru for a period of 8months in the health sub district of bunya west with hope of being rolled out.

Heavy winds blow off roof of Bumba island primary school

Heavy downpour with strong winds have caused the destruction of Bumba island primary school to the extent that a building housing two classrooms and an office were unroofed.

This has caused an outcry from the community given the rate of destruction which is beyond their financial capacity to rehabilitate. Bumba island primary school is among the seven government aided primary schools in Jaguzi sub county. The school has an enrollment of 690 pupils from primary one to primary seven who are all residents of Bumba parish.

Handover of Mpungwe seed school

The Official handover of Mpungwe seed school by Egiss Engineering Contractors to Mayuge District local government was done today. The function was officiated by the District chairperson Bishop Tibagendeka Frank after the thorough inspection of the Nineteen (19) buildings which included classroom blocks, laboratory, staff quarters,library and the sports ground among others. Those present included the technical staff, political leaders, religious leaders and a few community members who applauded the government for this development.

Commissioning of safe water project by Living water-International

The third prime minister, Hon. Rukia Nakadama today officiated the commissioning of safe water project in Namoni parish- Malongo sub county by Living water international an NGO that is operating in Mayuge District in the sub counties of Malongo and Bukabooli. The district chairperson, Bishop Tibagendeka Frank was also present at the function which included a fundraising for extension of water supply from Namoni Health center to the community.

Distribution of Fish fingerings and fish feeds

The District has received a total number of 95000 African cat fish fingerings, 2045kgs of starter powder and 2045kgs of starter pellets which is to be distributed to the fish farmers of Mayuge District. The consignment was handed over to the principal fisheries officer- Ms. Nakaziba Sarah in the the presence of the deputy RDC, DISO, Agricultural officers among others by Kabeihura farmers Ltd that were procured by the NAADS secretariat. This is under operation wealth creation by government to improve the livelihood of our people in the community.
