Entry Meeting for National Assessment Team, FY 2023/24

The National Assessment Team from Pazel Conroy Consulting Firm led by Mr. Otim Geofrey, contracted by the Office of the Prime Minister has today Friday 22nd November 2024 held an entry meeting with Mayuge District team and started the exercise of conducting a three day national assessment with the overall objective of promoting effective incentives and behaviour, systems of procedures of importance for Local Governments' efficient administration and service delivery. However, findings will impact on allocation of part of the development grants for Education, Health, Rural water, Micro-scale irrigation and Discretionary Development Equalization Grants (DDEG) for FY 2025/26 and also inform performance improvement planning.
The team will visit and assess sampled Lower Local Governments; Kityerera Sub-county, Mpungwe, Kigandalo and Mayuge Town Council, health facilities including Busaala, Malongo, and Mayuge HC IV