Oxfam in Uganda will be implementing with two selected partners namely;
Centre for Health and Human Rights Development (CEHURD) and Femme Forte in two regions of Uganda. In West Nile the project will be implemented in the districts of Arua, Madi Okollo, Terego , Nebbi and Arua City and in Eastern Uganda in Mayuge and Namayingo Districts.
Key stakeholders
●Government of Uganda
●Religious Institutions
●Cultural Institutions
●NGOs and CBOs
●The Community Members.
Project Goal: Ultimate goal of the project is to increase enjoyment of SRHR by most marginalized and vulnerable right-holders, particularly adolescent girls and young women.
● 373,612 direct Project participants, comprised of approximately 95% AGYW aged 15-29 (59%) and women of reproductive age (36%) in Uganda and Mozambique.
●1,588,027 indirect beneficiaries, 63% of whom are female.
●Through public engagement in Canada, the Project will directly engage 1,244 people (64% female);
●and will indirectly benefit 88,964 people (60% female)
Key performance indicators
# of women and girls provided with access to sexual and reproductive health services, including modern methods of contraception
# of people (M/F) benefitting from health care services
# of people reached by Global Affairs Canada funded projects that help prevent, respond to and end sexual and gender-based violence.
Gender and human rights the project seeks to address:
●Harmful social norms
●Traditional practices and taboos regarding gender and sexuality;
●Lack of adequate information on or access to comprehensive SRRH services; Lack of meaningful decision-making power by young women and girls regarding their health and sexuality.