Quarterly project monitoring by Life water International

A Quarterly stakeholders monitoring exercise was today organized by Life Water International, an NGO implementing Water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program in partnership with Mayuge District Local Government.
The monitoring Team visited Lutaale Primary school where Life Water International has constructed 5 block of Drainable Latrines with 25 stances .These latrines can be easily emptied once they are full. The team as well Visited some of the boreholes constructed in Lutaale D”. It should be noted that each borehole serves 30 households in the community .
On the aspect of Hygiene, the team visited the home of Mzee Mukisa George a resident of Ndaiga village .The home was certified by Life Water International as a model home after fulfilling the required parameters that include ;a clean compound, clean pit latrine, hand washing facilities, kitchen, waste pit and a dish drying stand.
This activity included selected partner NGOs, leadership of Kityerera and Busakira sub counties the program is being implemented and selected district staff.