CARE International -Uganda, has today held a district coordination meeting to conclude on the mapping processes intended to limit duplication of services , and also enable various stakeholders contribute to the success of the project in a manner that promotes ownership and accountability of project results as part of their initiation activities in the District.
CARE International in Uganda, Marie Stopes Uganda, and United Nations Population Fund as a consortium,secured funding from the embassy of Norway to implement the project “Empowering Young girls and women to decide over their own bodies and Ensure universal access to comprehensive adolescent and youth friendly SRHR information and services (EYE universal SRHR) for the period 2023-2025, in Mayuge District.
The project goal seeks to contribute to “Reduced maternal deaths and unintended teenage pregnancies. The EYE Universal SRHR project is aimed at increasing utilization of integrated SRHR services by adolescents and youth aged 10-24 in Mayuge District.
This meeting was held this afternoon in the Council chambers and in attendance were, the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, the District Executive committee members, District youth executive members, selected technical staff, implementing partners in areas of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights as well as the police desk Officer in charge Sexual gender based violence (SGBV).
This EYE Universal SRHR project will be implemented in the sub countries of ; Malongo, Kityerera,Mpungwe, Wairasa, Bukabooli Baitambogwe Imanyiro, Magamaga TC, Bugadde TC and Bwonda TC.